Monday 1 June 2009

Turn your MCE remote in to a mouse & keyboard


RemoteKC has been updated to now work properly on Windows 7, by a user called fbird17 on The Green Button forums.

I've not tested it yet but I assume it's working.

You can download the new .exe and .ahk files from these links.

I just had to highlight this little application it's fantastic!

It's been around for awhile I think but I've only just discovered it, it's called RemoteKC

RemoteKC allows you to use your Windows Media Center Edition remote control as a mouse and keyboard.

I am mainly interested in this for the mouse functionality. Having TunerFree MCE in mind when those auto mouse clicks don't work and those parental guidance pop-ups appear, you have no option but to get up and get out the mouse in order to click.

Now with RemoteKC, I don't have to leave the sofa. The mouse is basic, up down left right but enough to click on a prompt you can't otherwise click on with the remote control in normal operation.

I've only tested this on Vista Media Center, looks like it was written for MCE 2005. I've not tried it yet on 7MC.

You can download RemoteKC here


  1. RemoteKC does not work for me on Windows 7.

  2. Yep, doesn´t work that well in Windows 7. In mouse mode the OK button works as a left mouse button, but the you can´t move the cursor... :/

  3. Thanks it works just run it as administrator
    Thank you for this

  4. On Windows7? Just tried running it as administrator however I still can't get the mouse to move around the screen with the up/down left/right arrows on the remote nothing happens!

  5. The problem is AutoHotKey's mouse functions. I posted a fix on this thread:

    You don't need to run it as administrator.
