Sunday 19 April 2009

Twitter comes to TunerFree MCE

I can’t say I’m a big fan of Twitter, I could never really see the point of it, but I am a big fan of TunerFree MCE and I know allot of you are also addicted to Twitter, put the two together and you can now tweet to all your followers what you have been watching in TunerFree MCE !

Setup is easy you just go in to the Preferences in TunerFree MCE, enter your Twitter username click on a button on a webpage that opens up and then click on another button inside TunerFree MCE and your done!

You will then get a new Twitter  icon on the TunerFree MCE start page.

TunerFree-Twitter1[1] TunerFree-Twitter2[1]

Twitter webpage


Clubhouse Tags: Clubhouse, Media Center, Story, Twitter, TunerFree MCE

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