Friday 19 December 2008

Zune MixView now online!

When the new Zune 3 firmware was released, one of the coolest new features was something called Mixview, which is a unique visualization of your music. In Mixview, you

can select an artist, album, or Zune Card and see a visual mosaic of related music and listeners. As you click on the mosaic, you’ll be taken in new directions, allowing you to discover music in a visually appealing way.

Of course, if you wanted to see Mixview you had to have the Zune software installed on your computer. But now, you can check out Mixview on the web even if you don’t run Zune software. The feature has just launched over on When you click on the page for an album, artist, or Zune Card, you’ll notice there’s a new link called “mixview” available at the top. If you click
that, the new web-based Mixview will then launch.

If you haven’t yet tried this out, you should give it a shot – it’s a pretty cool way to explore and discover new music.

Via Channel 10

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