Wednesday 22 October 2008

The Digital Lifestyle website has been updated

You have probably already noticed that The Digital Lifestyle web site has been updated with a newer version of community server, check out the new wiki's and help contribute to the community. We need to build up the MCE addin's reviews section which can be found here. You can see some of the reviews I have added on there.

This was the email Ian sent out to the website's users:

I just wanted to update you on the site update

After an hour or so of IIS/Application pool issues I have got the updated up and running. The site has been upgraded to the latest version ofCommunity Server and it has a new look that should make navigatingaround the site much easier. All the content from the old site has beenported over which includes all the forum content, the forum layout is a big improvement and I am looking forward to getting more content in to there.

One new area for the site is the Wikis, there is a wiki for Windows Media Center, a wiki for Windows Home Server and one for Media Center Addins. Having a wiki for addins means that the community can contribute to the addin review section,which I aim to build up in to community created and maintained databaseof Media Center addins. It’s open to all users for contributions on anyMedia Center application.

The site also has a new social aspect ,once you are signed in youcan Friend Request other users and then from the home page you get aFriends’ Activity list, so you can keep up with your friends on thesite (and via RSS). Hopefully this will increase the sense of communityaround the site and help build some relationships.

Also joining is UK blogger Simon May,I will be working with Simon on some community project in the comingmonths and Simon will be blogging and reviewing Media Center addins. Socheckout Simon’s new blog and first addin review

The is going to be a new podcast called “The Custom Installer Show”and you will be able to find out more details in the coming weeks.Another new section of the site is the Groups section and I willexplain more on that over the next few weeks.

So take a look at the new content and please contribute to the Wikisespecially the addin Reviews. Let me know what you think about the newsite and if you have any suggestion for other new feature let me know.

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