Tuesday 9 November 2010

My Movies for iPad

My Movies for iPad has been released. Unfortunately I haven’t got an iPad to test this out with, but it sounds pretty good!

The below is from the My Movies newsletter.

“It is with great pleasure that I can send out this newsletter and let you know that "My Movies for iPad" is now available on the App Store. You can see the application on the iTunes website here.

Many of you are already familiar with or users of My Movies for iPhone Light or My Movies for iPhone Pro - My Movies for iPad is designed to work either as a standalone product, or along with the iPhone, Android or Windows Desktop software which means that you simply log on to your user account, and let the iPad application synchronize your full collection automatically.

Users of My Movies for Windows Media Center will find the iPad application even more interesting, due to the fact that it can connect to your My Movies for Windows Media Center and allow you to start playback of titles on the media center directly from the iPad. The current version allows for use with one Media Center and only on the host machine, which means it will not operate on extenders - we are however already working on the next update for this functionality, and the next version will support multiple hosts and multiple attached extenders, and will feature a full remote control functionality for Windows Media Center.

The application is available now for a price of USD 6.99, EUR 5.49 or GBP 3.99. This newsletter can only go though a small list of the full functionality, and we recommend that you take a look at our "My Movies for iPad" product page, which includes detailed descriptions and a full screenshot gallery - the page is available here.”

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