Monday 29 March 2010

Speed up your Harmony remote control with MCE

I always found the Logitech Harmony remote controls slow and pretty unresponsive with Media Center no matter which Harmony model I tried. After reading more about the problem I think I have found a solution that actually seems to work.

I changed some settings in the Harmony software for a 550 model I was working on and these changes definitely made the remote control work much better in Media Center, before I had to press the buttons for longer and slowly move around the UI after these changes the remote was more responsive and less frustrating to use and the button presses felt and behaved more like the standard MCE remote.

Here’s what I did:

On the Devices tab I selected Troubleshoot on the Media Center Device.


I did change a couple of settings but I believe the main one that made a difference was by selecting:

“Media Center PC responds to some commands either too many times or only occasionally”


Ramping this setting up to 4 or 5 is recommended.


I then selected: “When commands are sent one after the other, the device receives some commands but not others.”


“My Media Center PC needs the following time to pass before it is ready to receive another command:”

I also changed this setting from 500ms to 0ms not totally sure if I really need to change this setting.


However have a play around with these troubleshoot options and see if you can also increase the responsiveness of your Harmony remote with Media Center!

1 comment:

  1. I use a harmony remote with a USB IR receiver from a MC remote on my Dell Zino HD. Even after pushing around all these settings, the remote is slow and poky, my biggest annoyance with Windows Media Center.
